I’ve worked as a WordPress SEO expert in a huge range of business sectors.

The reason WordPress powers more websites than any other system on the internet is simple – it is an excellent platform. I’ve worked as a WordPress SEO expert for almost 20 years and possess 25 years of SEO and web sector experience. There are very few business sectors I haven’t delivered SEO services for. I bring outstanding technical SEO skills along with on-page and off-page services.

WordPress SEO expert for launches, young or established websites.

I work on your WordPress site even if it is in pre-launch stage. Indeed, this is often the best time to get me involved, as I can prevent some of the issues that become all too common as time progresses.

However, I usually work on young or established sites when owners recognise that they’re not getting the traffic, enquiries or revenues they need. I’ll advise you and keep conversations as jargon-free as possible if you need me to. I can repair existing site problems that are holding you back, but you’ll always get the best return from my monthly retained SEO service for WordPress – but the choice if yours.

Google Rankings

Improve your WordPress site rankings

By far the most common complaint from new clients is that they don’t have the Google rankings they want. Solving this issue isn’t a case of waving a magic wand, and you should avoid anyone that tells you it is. That said, I’ll always be able to tell you what needs to happen to achieve the position you require and what the costs associated with it will be.

Grow Business Revenue

Traffic is nothing without conversions

My SEO works goes well beyond increasing your Google rankings. I appreciate that visitors to your website isn’t the full story. I can help you with CRO (conversion rate optimisation) on Woocommerce based WordPress sites. However, I’ll also advise on improving enquiry rates if you’re a service based business.

Wordpress seo expert

“Chris’s results on our WordPress site speak for themselves. We dominate Google in all the areas we asked him to work on and it is why we’ve stayed with him for as long as we have.”

D&T Industries Group

WordPress SEO client

Transparent, professional and results focused WordPress SEO expert.

I work from home near Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK. You can choose from a full range of WordPress SEO services. I don’t make false promises. I’m professional, have worked at senior level in PLC’s, been the MD (and sold my shares) in a digital agency, and results orientated.

WordPress gives you every chance to rank highly. The skills I deploy and the recommendations I make can transform the future of a business. Owners usually haven’t received the skills they need from agencies.

Chris Shaw

WordPress SEO Expert

Chris Shaw WordPress SEO Expert
Wordpress SEO expert

WordPress Page SEO

I can advise on and provide all the services and skills you need for page and content related SEO. My WordPress expertise covers all the areas necessary, accompanied by a deep understanding for what Google and other search engines operate. You can rely on my knowledge.

Wordpress SEO expert in UK

Woocommerce Product SEO

If you’re running a store under WordPress that is based on Woocommerce, I’ve provided SEO services for everything from retail sites to subscription based membership schemes running on the platform. I have an in-depth understanding of how to give you SEO services that will can power visibility.

Wordpress SEO expert

Advanced WordPress SEO

It doesn’t matter how large your WordPress site is, or how complex the SEO issues are. I’ve worked on advanced level SEO for many years and possess a coding background and technical SEO skill set that few agencies can provide. I provide solutions to problems that others try to ignore or cover.

I bring a commercial mindset and an approach to SEO that knows businesses need results. My commitment is to deliver the highest quality SEO service.

I’m often told that my attitude and approach to SEO is different to previous experiences clients have had with agencies. My perspective may be different because of the commercial and senior management positions I’ve held. I know how businesses operate and what you can, and should, expect.

IT background

I’ve been the IT Director of a major PLC and the CIO of a manufacturing group. My technical skills are backed up by management experience, knowing to communicate and operating at a high level in a professional manner.


I value professionalism and endeavour to deliver it in everything I do. My reports are accurate, curated for your business and my reliability and keen eye for deadlines are key areas of the standards I maintain. Your time is valuable and I respect it.

Sector Experience

I’ve worked in a vast range of sectors. They range from FMCG to luxury goods retail, homewares, construction, streaming services, member-driven businesses, charities, technology and SaaS to name a few. You can see more of my sector experience on my clients and brands page.

Your Objectives

My goal is to deliver on your objectives, not just to deliver a WordPress SEO service that forgets them. I take a detailed interest in your business objectives because they’re critical to ensuring I understand what is required. I ask the right questions and listen carefully, but I don’t sap your time or resources.

Wordpress SEO expert

Get in touch me to find out if I can become your WordPress SEO Expert.

Why not have an initial conversation with me if you’re interested in what I could deliver for you business as your WordPress SEO expert? I hold first meetings, free of charge, by Google Meet, Microsoft Teams or Zoom. I’ll listen to your business challenges and what you want to achieve, and you can ask me any questions. If I can’t help you, I’ll always be honest enough to tell you. Alternatively, read my About Me page to find out a little more about who you’re dealing with.